Turpentine Road Upgrade (Stage 2 & 3)

01/12/2016 Stephan

Select Civil was awarded two separate Shoalhaven City Council contracts to complete the Turpentine Road Upgrade works, connecting Princes Highway Tomerong to Braidwood Road, and streamlining the route from the Jervis Bay Region to Canberra. Totalling $6.44 million, the two stages involved the upgrade and realignment of 8.3km of unsealed gravel road, shoulder widening, increased pavement quality and sealing for long term protection and increased safety to users.

Significant sub-grade material quality problems were encountered throughout both stages of the works, due to moisture conditioned slope-wash making up much of the existing road foundation. Collaboration between Council staff and the Select Civil engineering and construction team led to the design and successful installation of a Geofabric lined rock mattress, bridging over the unstable lower ground. The end result was a cost effective and stable foundation treatment that allowed for the construction of original pavement design without sub-grade heaving, deformation or failure.

Turpentine Road Upgrade Stage 2 was delivered on time, and Stage 3 three months ahead of program. Both projects were completed within Council’s cost budget, and to their satisfaction.

  • Client

    Shoalhaven City Council

  • Area

    Jervis Bay Region to Canberra

  • Value


  • Duration

    Jan - Dec 2018